What can you barter for? Is it really that easy?

YES! Let us show you how!

If you think bartering is just for others with more skills, knowledge, training or whatever...Download our FREE

10 Really DUMB Reasons NOT to Barter. Then think again.

In our uncertain economy where we are s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d from paycheck to paycheck and we divide our lists into "wants" and "needs", this workshop will change the way you think about business. I promise you will walk out of this workshop armed with the information you need to begin to Barter 4 Life.

What can you barter for?

Dining, Restaurants Nights Out

If you picture bartering as a handshake and a jar of canned beans, think again! In today's economy, people barter for everything from eating out to vacations. I can show you how to make trades that will bless more than just you!

Events, Activities and Vacations

You most likely have skills that are in demand to small and medium sized businesses. You an easily trade your talent for their goods. Business owners are just as strapped for cash as you. It only makes sense to make a trade!

Household Goods and Services

Our classes focus on everyday life. I have bartered for everything from counseling services to dental work; from landscaping to car repair; from private schools to granite counter tops. It is possible-it is profitable and it just makes sense!

Let me show you how!

Join the Wonderful world of Bartering

By joining us, you will learn how to determine what others need that you have to offer and soon you will realize it is not just about YOU. With bartering you can bless others by making trades that benefit more than just you and your family. It is easy, it is fun, and it is profitable. It is an easy skill that you will quickly learn and wonder "Why didn't I think of that?"

Pitfalls of not Bartering

Missed Vacations

Continual monthly services that you can eliminate

Limited amounts of money to spend on "extras"